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May 31, 2024

8 Common Causes of Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth negatively affect the lives of hundreds of thousands, even millions of children, adolescents and adults all over the world. There are many factors that cause crooked teeth. We have listed the 8 most common causes and treatment processes for you in our content.

Are Crooked Teeth in Kids Always a Concern?

Crooked permanent teeth in children are not always a cause for concern. Many people do not have perfectly straight teeth and do not experience serious dental problems later in life. Parents should always consult their dentist when children have new permanently crooked teeth. If they think that the crooked tooth can resolve on its own, your dentist will suggest waiting. Otherwise, they may refer the child to an orthodontist for consultation processes.

What Causes Crooked Teeth?

There may be factors that cause us to have crooked teeth at different stages of our lives. Here are the 8 most common causes of crooked teeth: 1. Genetic factor / factors; it can play a big role in having crooked teeth or jaws. If your parents have crooked teeth, there is a high probability that you will inherit them genetically. 2. Missing teeth factor; early loss of baby teeth and then permanent adult teeth can affect the position of your remaining teeth, resulting in crooked teeth. 3. Thumb sucking; habits such as thumb or finger sucking put constant pressure on the teeth and jaws, forcing them to change to a different position. For this reason, the treatment of crooked teeth is usually orthodontics. 4. Ageing factor; the time factor can also damage the standing position of the teeth. As we age, our teeth may become crooked forward. Your jawbone, which has lost its density over the years, encourages teeth to become crooked.
5. Injury factor; if the face is injured or force is applied to the face, this can cause crooked teeth. 6. Gum ailments factor; gum disease can cause periodontal disease, which can cause teeth to become out of alignment. 7. Dental restoration factors; dental restorations, such as crowns and bridges that are large or do not fit the jaw properly, can sometimes put pressure on the teeth and cause crooked teeth. 8. Erupting teeth factors; it is common knowledge that wisdom teeth erupt and push all other teeth forward, causing crooked teeth. However, according to research, this is not the case.

Why Do Crooked Teeth Need to be Fixed?

Crooked teeth reduce people’s self-confidence in appearance. It makes oral and dental care difficult. Disrupting dental care can cause decay and many dental problems. Some crooked teeth can cause severe pain by forcing the jaw. Crooked teeth wear more than normal teeth. The anterior layers of the tooth are damaged. For this reason, crooked teeth should be fixed.

How to Fix Crooked Teeth?

Crooked teeth are fixed with braces. Depending on the treatment applied by the dentist and the preference of the patient, metal teeth braces, ceramic teeth braces or invisalign teeth braces can be used.

What is Orthodontics Treatment?

Orthodontic dental treatment; it covers the process of correcting crooked teeth. Correcting tooth shape includes correcting bite-related problems, closing gaps between teeth, and properly aligning lips and teeth.

Connect with Gocek Dent!

As Gocek dent, we are working to offer you the most appropriate treatment with our expert dentist staff, experience, technological equipment and modern clinic. Contact us for information about orthodontic treatment and all your questions about your dental health.
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