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May 31, 2024

What To Expect When Getting Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain Veneer Making Process

Having healthy, straight and white teeth is everyone’s dream. Teeth loss may occur due to many reasons, especially in adults. Porcelain veneers are excellent solutions to restore chewing and speaking functions in the mouth area where tooth loss occurs. Porcelain veneers also provide white teeth and an aesthetic smile that everyone wants to have. In addition, when you have porcelain veneers, you can return to your daily life without a long break.
The porcelain veneer making process is as follows;
  • First of all, your teeth are prepared for the procedure. It is important to adhere to the process so that the total thickness of your tooth does not change. At this stage, your dentist should treat problems that negatively affect your oral and dental health while preparing your tooth (Treatment of decayed teeth, replacement of composite fillings, etc.).
  • Using shade guides, your dentist determines the hues to use in the veneer.
  • Your dentist continues the process by measuring your teeth and gums.
  • The preparation process of your dental veneer takes 1 – 2 weeks on average. In this process, if your dentist deems it appropriate, it may be necessary to place a temporary veneer.
  • Before the final stage of bonding your dental veneer, a pre-cementation evaluation is made. At this stage, your dentist checks the suitability of the veneer to your teeth in terms of shape, size and color.
  • If there is nothing that needs to be changed about your veneers, you decide to place the veneer together with your dentist.
  • Finally, your dentist places your veneers, performs the final procedures related to the procedure, and informs you about your attention.

How Much Are Porcelain Veneers Prices in Turkey?

Dental veneers provide many benefits that will improve your quality of life. Like a radiant smile, a youthful appearance, healthy teeth and enjoying your oral functions again. Treatment costs for this important procedure are quite high in America, England, Canada and European countries. Turkey is gaining more and more popularity in health tourism with its successful dentists, affordable treatment costs, comfortable clinics and up to date treatments. Veneers cost in Turkey varies according to the experience of the dentist, the location of the treatment, the materials used and the scope of the treatment.  

Is There Any Pain Involved in the Process of Getting Veneers?

The dental veneers treatment process is generally painless. People with tooth sensitivity may experience pain during the treatment steps, but there is no serious pain related to the veneers. Your dentist’s experience, treatments and products are the factors that make the treatment process painless and comfortable. Before the porcelain veneer is applied, the teeth are shaved and prepared for the procedure. The teeth are then shaped to ensure that the veneers are placed on top and appear with maximum naturalness. Pain can be minimized according to these processes, the experience of our dentist, the treatment methods and forms applied.
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